A father and mother holding their toddler between them

What’s the Return on Investment for Having a Kid?

Raising kids is expensive. What do parents get in return?
An office worker packing up the contents of their desk into a cardboard box

Should Smoking Pot Get You Fired?

The Supreme Court of Colorado, where marijuana use is now legal, is considering whether workers can be fired for smoking pot outside of working hours.
Cupped hands holding grain

Why Growing More Food Won’t Stop Hunger

Hunger is still a major issue. At the same time, the world produces twice as much food as it needs.
CC BY-SA 3.0 User IngSoc

The Many Meanings of McDonalds

McDonalds means different things in different places.
Close-up of individual tapping a smart phone

How will Apple Pay Change Our Lives? Ask a Kenyan.

Cell phones have transformed the economic lives of people in Africa in all sorts of ways.
A restaurant check left with a few dollars

Economists Investigate Why We Tip

The economic research behind the history of tipping
Chassy of a modern automobile

Tesla Motors and the ‘Great American Jobs Scam’

Electric car maker Tesla Motors announced it would build a huge battery factory in Nevada. What does research tell us about tax subsidies?
Close-up of hands typing on a laptop

Seven Ways Online Advertising May Change the World

Late last month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Amazon plans to roll out its own online advertising ...
A landscape of NYC's overlapping buildings and skyscrapers with the addition of even more new construction.

Can Mayor de Blasio Save Affordable Housing in NYC? Can Anyone?

de Blasio’s plan suggests just how overwhelming the housing issue is in New York: the most ambitious plan ever may address only a fraction of the problem.
wealth discrepancy in USA

Does the Rise of the 1% Signal the Fall of Democracy?

Americans have been thinking more about economic haves and have-nots than we have in a long time.