The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Photography Collection, The New York Public Library. "Scene showing how things were splintered where the storm was most severe." The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1882.

The Economic Impact of El Niño

Looking at the economic impact of the El Nino's weather pattern across the globe.
Historical Rainfall and Temperature Charts Engraving

How Meteorology Changed Agriculture Forever

Early meteorology helped farmers predict yield, transforming the agricultural industry.
Japanese Woman in Ginza Tokyo

Why Japanese Women Don’t Stay in the Workforce

Japanese women exit the workforce at far higher rates than in other developed countries.
Woman cooking in domestic kitchen.

How Advertisers Sold Housework to Housewives

The ad campaigns behind household products emphasized the seriousness of housework.
Mark Zuckerberg

Philanthropic Billionaires: An Investigation

Mark Zuckerberg joins a long line of philanthropic billionaires who have pledged millions of dollars to charitable causes.
The English lion dismember'd or the voice of the public for an enquiry into the public expenditure.

Paper Money Rebellion

The Currency Act of 1764 returned the restrictions of 1751: banning colonists from printing their own legal tender bills.
Ebeneezer Scrooge

Charles Dickens Had It Right

Materialism, by most measures, does not correlate to happiness.
Cover art for the album 25 by artist Adele © Adele/Facebook

Does Vocal Talent Translate into Album Sales?

The correlation between vocal talent and album sales is a telling indicator of what consumers want.
Fish Stick

The Ocean’s Hot Dog: The Strange History of Fish Sticks

Fish sticks fulfilled the need to repackage an abundance of frozen fillets. But did they become a consumer staple?
A man is talking while his assistant takes notes.

Why Is Clerical Work Women’s Work?

As office jobs increased in the early 20th century, so did the distinction between men and women appropriate employment.