Gertrude Stein in front of an American flag

The Marketing of Americans: Gertrude Stein and the Atlantic Monthly

It took Gertrude Stein years to make it into the Atlantic.
A black and white portrait photograph of Herman Melville.

Melville Reborn, Again and Again

A scholar traces Herman Melville's reputation in American and British literary circles.
PITTSBURGH-September 8: Poet Terrance Hayes at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on September 8, 2014, shortly after being named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow for 2014.

MacArthur Fellow/Poet Terrance Hayes Explores the Blues in Poetry

A collection of poetry by Terrance Hayes, in honor of his recent MacArthur win.
Melissa Dunphy, as Ophelia, speaking into a smart phone


On the eve of the much-anticipated release of iPhone 6, the Philadelphia Shakespeare Theater presented iHamlet.
U.S. cartoonist Alison Bechdel portrayed as she works in her studio at the castle of Civitella Ranieri, central Italy, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014.

Cartoonist and Memoirist Alison Bechdel Changed How We Talk About Women in Pop Culture

With one comic, artist and brand-new MacArthur Fellow Alison Bechdel transformed how we talk about women in pop culture.
Opening lines of Frank O'Hara's "The Day Lady Died" written in 1964.

Lunch Poems Turns 50

2014 marks the 50th anniversary of Frank O’Hara’s groundbreaking book Lunch Poems.
Tablet screen showing The Lotus Magazine on a book shelf with reference books.

The Lotus Magazine

First published in 1910 by the Author’s Bureau, The Lotus Magazine covers art history, composition, and individual pieces ...
Headshot of author and activist, Maya Angelou.

Maya Angelou Has Died

Maya Angelou has died.