Lorne Malvo

From Twain to Fargo: the Outsider in American Storytelling

The Lorne Malvo character on the new Fargo TV series, is like the character Satan in Mark Twain's final novel, The Mysterious Stranger.
Dashiell Hammett

Dashiell Hammett’s Birthday

Celebrating the hard-boiled detective writer Dashiell Hammett's birthday.
Two children talking together

The Super Secret World of Ludlings – You Know, For Kids!

secret language games or ludlings, have been serious business for young people across the ages.
A child's hands pressed up against a static-filled television

Poltergeist Haunts Scholars in 1935

Read an early scholarly essay of reported Poltergeists.
"BB King onstage (Toronto, 2007)" by Piedmontstyle (talk) (Uploads) - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:BB_King_onstage_(Toronto,_2007).jpg#/media/File:BB_King_onstage_(Toronto,_2007).jpg

Two Poems for B.B. King

Two poems about the legendary blues artist B.B. King.
Pregnant woman typing on a keyboard

The Intimate World of Mommy Blogs

Are mommy blogs helpful for online communities?
Chart of gender pronouns

They’re Here, They’re Genderqueer, Get Used to Gender Neutral Pronouns

Ongoing study and debate about gender neutral pronouns.
Avengers presentation featuring most of the main characters from the franchise

Choose Your Own Adventure: The Marvel Universe and Our Cultural Values

A postmodern view of the Marvel comics and cinematic franchise,
Illustration form Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince."

In Flight with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The little known aviation career of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of The Little Prince.
Homer Simpson

Fanf–kingtastic and Edumacational: The Case of English Infixation

From shiznit to wel-diddly-elcome, the evolution of infixation in English language.