Slate statute of Alan Turing at Bletchley Park.

Remembering and Representing Alan Turing

A 1955 obituary of Turing from the Royal Society is fascinating for what it leaves out of the first draft of history.

The Urban Lawyer

Highlights from the American Bar Association's publication, The Urban Lawyer
WOLF HALL: Lydia-Leonard as Anne Boleyn, Ben Miles as Thomas-Cromwell, Nathaniel Parker as Henry-VIII, Matthew Pidgeon as Stephen Gardiner. Photographer: Johan Persson

Wolf Hall Coming to Broadway in April

The Royal Shakespeare Company's adaptation of Hilary Mantel's best-selling historical novel Wolf Hall comes to Broadway.
MacArthus Fellow Sarah Deer standing in front of the sign for William Mitchell College of Law

Interview with MacArthur Fellow Sarah Deer: Native Women and the Law

MacArthur Fellow Sarah Deer discusses her legal work in preventing sexual violence among the Native American population.
The Organ Mountains in New Mexico

Reading the Landscape

For the past two months, I have been on a researching road trip through the West and Southwest—Colorado, ...
A father and mother holding their toddler between them

What’s the Return on Investment for Having a Kid?

Raising kids is expensive. What do parents get in return?
Charlie Chaplin eating a boot, from the film The Gold Rush

Was Charlie Chaplin’s Tramp Un-American?

Were Charlie Chaplin’s Tramp films also subtle critiques of the social inequities of American capitalism?
operation argus

Declassifying Operation Argus

Operation Argus marked the first time the earth’s magnetic field was visualized experimentally. 
Neighborhood Gardens

Neighborhood Gardens: A Housing Project Born of Unbridled Optimism

Public housing was once thought of as being positive, radical, and hopeful.
Christopher Hogwood

Christopher Hogwood, Founder of the ‘Historically Informed Performance’ Movement, Dies

Christopher Hogwood's career, which spanned five decades, was defined by his groundbreaking quest for authenticity in the performance of early music, a movement that became known as "Historically Informed Performance" or "HIP".