Woman holding her head in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other

What Causes Brain Freeze AKA Ice Cream Headaches?

Brain freeze, or the ice cream headache, is still little understood.
Aaron Shikler [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

A Muslim Shouldn’t Be President? We Said That About Catholics, Too

Ben Carson's remarks on whether or not a Muslim should be President of the United States is put into context. We've seen this before.
A man holding his head while dark illustrated drawings escape

Aphantasia: When the Mind’s Eye is Blind

Those suffering from aphantasia cannot form mental images. Which begs the question: What exactly do we mean when we say mental image?
Runner participating in Antarctic Ice Maraton

Conquering Antarctica’s Ice Marathon

The Antarctic Ice Marathon is a 26.2-mile run across the coldest, windiest, driest continent on Earth.
"Juan felipe ferrera 9150360" by slowking4 - Own work. Licensed under GFDL 1.2 via <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Juan_felipe_ferrera_9150360.jpg#/media/File:Juan_felipe_ferrera_9150360.jpg" target="_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a>

The History of the Poet Laureate

Juan Felipe Herrera is the new U.S. Poet Laureate. It is a position that has had a long life, dating back to the Greeks.
An older man napping on the couch

Take a Nap, It’s Good For You

Like taking a nap? Exploring the research that finds a positive correlation between health and a short daily rest.
"MI Right-to-Work Protest - 11 December 2012 - crowd2" by File made available by Equality Michigan through the LGBT Free Media CollectiveEnglish | +/− - File made available by Equality Michigan through the LGBT Free Media CollectiveEnglish | +/−. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MI_Right-to-Work_Protest_-_11_December_2012_-_crowd2.jpeg#/media/File:MI_Right-to-Work_Protest_-_11_December_2012_-_crowd2.jpeg">Wikimedia Commons</a>

Scott Walker, The Koch Brothers, and the History of Right to Work Laws

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 gave states the ability to enact right to work laws, granting opponents of unions the ability to institute open-shop laws.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Private Embarrassment, Deadly Crowds, and Gender Quotas

Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought to you each Tuesday from the editors of JSTOR Daily.
By Martinvl (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

The Truth Behind the Tower Ravens

Fakelore: the deliberate fabrication of a folklore. A term that perfectly describes the legend of the Tower Ravens, the birds of the Tower of London.
Crowed escalator

Consumerism: An Economic Critique

Consumerism, a hallmark of American life, may not be as beneficial as we all think.