Doctor examines patient, 1942

Why We Make Doctors Get Licenses

We might question why barbers or florists need licenses. But almost everyone would agree that doctors ought to be licensed.
Fasces illustration

Do You Know Fascism When You See It?

It may seem obvious, but a generic definition of fascism has been hard to pin down. 
A Republican satire on Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech

Has the Famous Populist “Cross of Gold” Speech Been Unfairly Tarred by Anti-Semitism?

July 9 marks the 120th anniversary of Populist leader William Jennings Bryan’s famous "Cross of Gold" speech at the 1896 Democratic National Convention.
Photograph: Thousands of the Indonesian muslims congregrated during Eid ul Fitr mass prayer in Istiqlal Mosque, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, located in Central Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Debate Over Eid

Muslims seem to celebrate a holiday called Eid over and over, and at different times. Here's why.
Langston Hughes

The Drag Aesthetic of Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes' poetry was influenced by the drag scene in 1920s Harlem.

What Are the Dog Days of Summer?

The "dog days of summer" are attributed to the rise of Sirius, the Dog Star, but research into the lore suggests another dog entirely.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Dating Shows, Card Games, and Massacres

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. ...

The Strange Tale of 19th-Century Quack Doctors

During the 19th century, quack “doctors” outnumbered legitimate ones three to one. The reasons people are attracted to quackery remain with us today.
Shirley Chisholm and Rosa Parks

The Significance of Shirley Chisholm’s Presidential Campaign

Shirley Chisholm: the first black female U.S. Representative, first black major-party candidate for President, and the first Democratic Party woman to run.
Roller coaster in Atlantic City

What Makes Your Roller Coaster Go? Physics!

The physics behind the fun: roller coasters provide so many examples of basic principles that they are a staple of physics lessons.