What Makes Your Roller Coaster Go? Physics!
The physics behind the fun: roller coasters provide so many examples of basic principles that they are a staple of physics lessons.
The First Ugly Election: America, 1800
The 1800 election saw America's first contested presidential campaigns: Thomas Jefferson vs. John Adams.
Who Wrote the Declaration of Independence?
The Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Thomas Jefferson was not then credited with its authorship.
Post Offices, Prep Schools, and Poetry
Our Friday Reads are these five new books out this week, and links to related content you won’t find anywhere else.
The Egg Cream Mob
What's in an egg cream? No eggs. No cream. And a dose of mafia history.
Happy Canada Day! Let’s Talk Reconciliation
Canada Day celebrates a country that, like so many in the world, is in fact a superimposition onto older lands and cultures.
The Value of Using Harry Potter to Teach Politics
A political scientist argues that Harry Potter can be used to teach students about politics, institutional behavior, globalization, and identity.
Vacationing with Julia Child
Want to get away this summer? Come daydream with us to the kitchen of Julia Child, in the south of France...
What We Saw Under the Microscope’s Lens
The lens, a tool technology that helps make the invisible world visible, brought a revolutionary perspective to our descriptions of nature.
The “Keystone Species” Concept That Transformed Ecology
Dr. Robert Paine's "keystone species" concept was a profound discovery that changed the field of ecology forever.