American Pika

The World’s Cutest Mammal on the Brink

The Ili Piku, aka "Magic Rabbit," of China is endangered. But Pika populations are declining globally, not just in China.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Wealth, Evil, and Our Impermanent Personalities

Our pick of well-researched stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. From the editors of JSTOR Daily.
Yusef Salaam

Unpacking the Racially-Charged Term “Superpredators”

In the ‘90s, racialized terms like “wilding” and “superpredators” conjured moral panic, which justified the Crime Bill and other similar propositions.
friends socializing at table

The Secret Ingredient For Better Self-Care

One form of preventative medicine that is important, and which health policy barely considers: social connections between people.
Herman Melville

Melville’s Confidence Man Today

Does Herman Melville's 1857 novel The Confidence-Man have anything to tell us about our present day? Philip Roth thinks so.
Jordan Motor Car Company

How Car Ads Started Selling Sizzle

In the 1920s car ads began changing. Specialists began to craft auto manufacturer's images solely to please their customers.
JSTOR Daily Friday Reads

Kathleen Collins and Black Women’s Sexuality

A new book is getting a lot of attention in the literary world right now…although its author died ...
1920s-era Remington Portable typewriter

The QWERTY Truth

How did the QWERTY keyboard became the gold standard? The answer is probably not what you'd think. Welcome to the economic concept of "path dependence."
General strike, Spain

The Curious Character Who First Called For a General Strike

The idea of a general strike is to shut down all but essential services in a city, region, or nation. America has had its share. A Briton invented the idea.
Peterloo Massacre

Identity Politics and Popular Movements

Issues tied to gender have often been part of broad-based popular movements, like the Zetetic movement in early nineteenth-century England.