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The deadly results of less-lethal viruses (The Atlantic)
by James Hamblin
The new coronavirus probably won’t make most people who contract it terribly sick. And that’s exactly why it may ultimately kill a lot of people.

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Work-life balance is not a “women’s issue” (Harvard Business Review)
by Robin J. Ely and Irene Padavic
When a firm asked a research team why it had trouble retaining women, the results weren’t what it was looking for. They found the issue was a deep one, and it affected men as much as women.

Why we love the grind (The Cut)
by Katie Heaney
A lot of video games are less about strategy or sword fighting than finishing a to-do list. And it turns out that’s one reason people love them.

Assimilation in a diverse, unequal society (Public Books)
by Catherine S. Ramírez
We often think of “assimilation” as blending into a basically white, Protestant society. But a more complete view must include differences based in race and legal status, as well as the ways that newcomers change the country just as it changes them.

A history of “foreign meddling” (The Washington Post)
by Joseph Haker and Andrew Paul
Stories on Russian interference in U.S. elections are part of a long history of worries about how foreign powers affect our politics.

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