Humans and Neanderthals: History Revealed in an Ancient Femur
Recent findings narrow the period in which both Neanderthals and modern humans existed together.
The Secret Lives of Giraffes
Despite being such conspicuous animals, researchers still know surprisingly little about giraffes.
Nellie Bly, Girl Reporter
A look back on Nellie Bly and the era of "stunt-reporting."
Nineteenth-Century Rappers, Corn Laws, and the Rise of Free Trade
The strange intersection of corn laws, rap, poetry, and free trade.
83-Year-Old Carmen de Lavallade Dances at Kennedy Center
Dance icon Carmen de Lavallade, 83, was the first African-American prima ballerina at the Metropolitan Opera.
Rediscovering the Guastavinos
Rediscovering the Gustavinos contributions to architecture.
Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About Ocean Acidification?
Will ocean acidification disrupt the planet's ecosystem before climate change does?
Making Child Support Work Better for Children
Do child support laws actually benefit children?