Edgar Heap of Birds

The Cheyenne Artist Who Is Challenging the Silenced History of Native Americans

Using freeway signs as his medium, artist Edgar Heap of Birds disrupts American perceptions of Native-American culture and history.
Based on the PDB crystallographic coordinates 1QPS

The Revolution Will Be Geneticized: From Restriction Enzymes to CRISPR

Advancement in DNA cutting using restriction enzymes helped pave the way for the CRISPR revolution. 
Going through the storm of Universal suffrage...

The Golden Age of Political Cartoons

Does it sometimes seem as if our political culture is a political cartoon?
midlife crisis

The Midlife Crisis

Recent studies beg the question: Is the mid-life crisis universal or is it a phenomenon limited to a certain class and privilege level?
"Men with sign "International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union""

Why We Should Care About the Death of Labor Unions

Labor unions nationwide may be weakened by the Supreme Court. But unions have been instrumental in protecting the interests of underrepresented groups.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Witches, Germs, and Lobbyists

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. ...
Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library. "<a href="http://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/5e66b3e8-fccf-d471-e040-e00a180654d7" target="_blank">DuPont - Building - Sketch</a>" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1935 - 1945.

How DuPont Transformed Fashion With Stretchy Synthetics

DuPont invented the stretch synthetic fabric that revolutionized fashion in the mid-twentieth century. 
Presidential Candidates Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

How Important is the New Hampshire Primary Anyway?

Once considered essential, winning the New Hampshire primary is no longer indicative of who will become the next President.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King.

By Herman Hiller / New York World-Telegram & Sun, Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Ronald Reagan and the Rewriting of Martin Luther King’s Legacy

Ronald Reagan invoked Dr. King's legacy to fit with his larger political and rhetorical aims. 
Reprint of engraving by Martin Droeshout

The Artist Behind Shakespeare’s Most Famous Portrait

Though considered a limited artist, Martin Droeshout engraved the only portrait of Shakespeare, which appeared on the cover of the first folio.