Alfred Jarry and the Angsty Artist Archetype
French playwright Alfred Jarry and his famous play, "Ubu Roi" may have created the angsty artist archetype we know today.
Star Trek’s 50th Star Date Anniversary
September 8 marks the 50th anniversary of the first season of Star Trek, the NBC science-fiction series produced by Gene Roddenberry.
Watch Out for Lightning
How did 300 reindeer in Norway die from a single lightning strike?
Suggested Readings: Hair Politics, Socialist Women, and Messages in the Stars
Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Thomas Edison and the War of the Currents
Thomas Edison had a big stake in the AC/DC war of the currents and would say anything to win.
Could Immigration Save Middle America?
This election season has drawn enormous attention to the anxiety that many Americans in economically-distressed rural places seem ...
Fast, Cheap, and Totally Popular: Tintypes
Tintypes were an early, accessible, cheap form of photography, just the thing for on-the-go Americans.
Why We Love to Be Scared
Nearly 1.5 billion tickets to horror movies were sold in 2015 alone. But why do we love being scared so much?
Infertility and The Art of Waiting
Our Friday Reads: a new book by Belle Boggs called The Art of Waiting.