A group of holiday-makers sunning themselves on the beach at a South Coast resort, 1895

Inventing the Beach Read

Feeling guilty about kicking back with a paperback during vacation? There’s a precedent for escapist holiday reading, particularly during times of anxiety.
Opening title from Night of the Living Dead

The Summer Blockbusters of JSTOR Daily

Our favorite stories about popcorn movies! There may or may not be explosions.
People wading in the water at the beach

Stories to Inspire Summer Fun

Some insights and tips to prepare for a summer of fun from JSTOR Daily.
Little girl reading a book at park

Is Your Kids’ Summer Reading Actually Helping Them?

Some studies have found that simply getting kids to pick up a book during the summer may not actually help that much. What actually works?
Sugar Beet Field

Did Youth Farming Programs Really Fight Juvenile Delinquency?

Summer jobs for teens are becoming a thing of the past, but considering these beet farm jobs, maybe we shouldn't romanticize them too much.

What Are the Dog Days of Summer?

The "dog days of summer" are attributed to the rise of Sirius, the Dog Star, but research into the lore suggests another dog entirely.
Old photo of a couple at Niagra

How American Tourism Began

American tourism took the scenic route over the course of the twentieth century. A growing middle class and car ownership helped.
Picture of Gunnery Camp, the first organized American summer camp, 1861

Summer Camp Has Always Been About Escaping Modern Life

The first summer camps presented themselves as an natural alternative to encroaching industrial society.
High school students run down the corridor of their school

What Students are Forgetting this Summer

The gap between students when it comes to educational achievement may come down to more than schools.