grief app

Grief? There’s an App for That.

Would you want to be able to talk to a loved one after they'd passed away, knowing it wasn't really them? Would it help? Would it hurt?
stack of books in home interior

Why You Love the Smell of Old Books

Scent carries significant psychological meaning. A recent paper proposed that scent be included in a proposed intangible heritage list recognized by UNESCO.
Amber Fillerup Clark

How We Construct Our Online Identities

What does a successful mom blogger have to do with a character from James Joyce's Ulysses? The way we construct our identities has always been artificial.
stimulant pills

How Should Therapists Handle Patients Seeking Stimulants?

Patients called with no time for curiosity. They wanted stimulants, and they wanted them now. Then we could talk.
Edvard Munch's "Anxiety"

How Anxiety Got Rebranded As Depression

Depression diagnoses have skyrocketed over the past 50 years, but not necessarily as result of underlying changes in our mental health.
Gem Chimney ad

Can Advertising Be a Science?

Advertisers have been trying to develop a precise science of advertising for more than a century.
red knee tarantula

Fear and Your Brain

Researchers at Cambridge studied how peoples' brains respond to fear.
procrastination folders

The Psychological Origins of Procrastination—and How We Can Stop Putting Things Off

The psychology behind procrastination involves how we perceive of value, 
September 11 memorial

How 9/11 Changed Americans

15 years after 9/11, what are the lasting effects on Americans' psychology?