Marguerite Duras on Her Remarkable Mother
Noted novelist and screenwriter Marguerite Duras on how her fictional mothers are all really her own (complicated, difficult, inimitable) mother.
How the Internet Makes Women’s Work Visible
When I left my fancy corporate job so that I’d have the flexibility to support my autistic son, I was afraid I’d disappear.
Addicted Mothers: Substance Abusers or Child Abusers?
Are mothers with addictions abusive or victims? Our answer almost always involves race and class.
Maternity, #Meternity, and the Military
Maternity leave as we know it today may have its origins in turn-of-the-century French militarism.
The Mother of Mother’s Day
Mother's Day began as one woman's quest to have a public observance of the anniversary of her own mother's passing.
Happy Mother’s Day: Kids’ Screen Time is a Feminist Issue
Portable electronics like smartphones and tablets are indispensable tools for mothers and caregivers. Why do we shame them for allowing kids screen time?
The One Thing Parents Really Need
The prologue of Catherine Newman’s new parenting memoir Catastrophic Happiness: Finding Joy in Childhood’s Messy Years, evocatively called ...
Does Universal Pre-K Help Working Mothers?
Pre-K may help the child, but does it get mothers back to work?
Gender Roles in Early Parenthood
Parenting roles have changed enormously over a generation, but gender roles are still being propped up in some ways.