Vernacular Architecture in Wales
The pioneering collection of farm and craft buildings at the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff preserves traditional design and building techniques.
From Samhain to Halloween
Exploring the Celtic origins of everyone's favorite harvest holiday celebrating thresholds between life and death.
“Telling the Bees”
In nineteenth-century New England, it was held to be essential to whisper to beehives of a loved one’s death.
How Irish Holidays Blend Catholic and Pagan Traditions
Many Irish holidays blend the Catholic faith with ancient Celtic tradition and mythology. Some original pagan holidays are still practiced in Ireland today.
The Easter Bunny, or, Why We Love Rabbits
The human fascination with rabbits, including the Easter Bunny, is long and deep. But why rabbits?
What Christmas Meant to the Nazis
The Nazi regime used Christmas to foster among the German people a sense of national unity and pride.