A man sitting in an office with a computer.

The Link between Startups and Privilege

Self-made? The most successful independent ventures are often backed by legacy money or networks.

Entrepreneur Personality Test

A study of successful entrepreneurs finds a high level of emotional intelligence and sociability, along with a marked need to dominate.
Businesswoman interview

The Gender Gap Is Even More Insidious Than You Thought

Women are more likely to be excluded from key networks, less likely to have had managerial experience, and have fewer mentors to signpost the way forward.
A casual business meeting

Maybe Entrepreneurs Don’t Like Risk Much After All

Research shows that entrepreneurs are surprisingly resistant to risk.
A pile of tax forms

Self-Employment: Exciting Opportunity or Last Resort?

Does self-employment open up new opportunities or exploit a vulnerable workforce?
Close-up of circuit board

The Origins of Silicon Valley

Some scholarly sources behind the origins of Silicon Valley and the tech sector