Lidice memorial

The Role of Children in War, from Lidice to Aleppo

Images of children in wartime, like those from Aleppo, can shock the world. But what happens after that isn't so clear.
Jack Whinery, homesteader, with his wife and the youngest of his five children, Pie Town, New Mexico (LOC) Lee, Russell,, 1903-1986,, photographer.

Child’s Play

Play is an important part of child development; Paul Tough tells us about strategies to encourage healthy child development.
Black and white close-up of torn shoes

Poor Kids, Social Mobility, and Their Contexts

A different angle on the issue of poor kids in America and abroad in an issue of Ethos
A father and mother holding their toddler between them

What’s the Return on Investment for Having a Kid?

Raising kids is expensive. What do parents get in return?