How Forensic Techniques Aid Archaeology
Scientific methods such as the DNA testing are associated with forensic science, but they are just as useful for archaeology as for criminology.
Tax Day in Ancient Egypt
A newly-analyzed papyrus fragment from Ancient Egypt revealed a truly whopping tax bill
Researchers Discover Unknown Ancient City in Honduras
An expedition has identified the ruins of an unknown city in a remote part of Honduras.
Privies: Vaults of the Past
Privies were the standard urban and rural toilet right into the 20th century in the U.S.
That Old Scroll is Actually an Egyptian Book of Spells!
A mysterious document turned out to be a book of Egyptian book of spells, according to a newly-completed translation
Recession Lessons from an Ancient Fossil Bed
In a 120-million-year-old rock in Northeast China, paleontologists made a remarkable find.