Sentenced to Death (and Other Tales from the Dark Side of Language)
One cold morning in 1953, Derek Bentley, a nineteen-year-old youth in the wrong place with the wrong words, was hanged for a murder he did not commit.
Scientists Turn to Spotted Owls to Understand Wildfire Patterns
To better understand how the warming climate affects wildfires, Scientists are turning to Spotted Owls that evolved to deal with such disasters.
A Clever Way to Conserve Forests
As climate change looms, scientists seek ways to reduce the release of carbon. Sometimes a low-tech approach is overlooked: conserving forests.
The Secrets of Jupiter’s Incredible Great Red Spot
Astronomers have worked out that Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a massive storm system, but what keeps a storm going for hundreds of years?
Crows Are Even Smarter Than We Thought
If crows like the New Caledonian Crow can plan out and create a specialized tool, then they seem to have smarts that rival those of early humans.
9 Reasons for the LGBTQ Community to Take Pride Online
Today, gay teens don't have to feel alone because the internet makes it possible to connect with other LGBTQ people all over the world. Right?
Six Women in Science You Should Know
Six female scientists—historical and contemporary—who don’t have much name recognition but who have done important, interesting work.
Meet Alan Emtage, the Black Technologist Who Invented ARCHIE, the First Internet Search Engine
Internet search has had a profound impact on our own internal makeup—on how we learn, and how we think.
Vera Rubin
Vera Rubin was groundbreaking astrophysicist who discovered evidence of dark matter.
The Olympics, Dave Eggers, and Your Idiot Brain
Our Friday Reads are these five new books out this week, and links to related content you won’t find anywhere else.