Dogs and Cancer
Because we share many of the same cell types with our pets, they develop some of the same cancers. Comparative oncologists study these parallels.
Darwin in Love
Charles Darwin, who of all people should have known better, married his first cousin. Did his love for Emma color his later works?
Antibiotics Are Getting into Everything
How does a wild dolphin end up resistant to antibiotics?
The Tweety Bird Test
How a classic Tweety Bird cartoon became a mainstay in linguistics research.
Can Fire Destroy the Amazon?
The massive fires of 2019 have many asking the question: is there a "tipping point" beyond which the Amazon cannot recover?
Richard Prum: How Does Beauty Evolve?
Prum speaks on Darwin’s idea of sexual selection, the importance of arbitrary traits, and why he could never choose a favorite species of bird.
The Sky’s Creepiest Parasites
Are you a bird? Is your chick acting weird? You might be victim of a brood parasite.
Camouflage Gets Weird
Some animals use chemical camouflage, even altering the way they smell in order to avoid predation.
How Forest Fires Work in Finland
Finland's forest fires aren't as destructive as California's. That has more to do with climate and population than with forest management.
The Last Vigil of the Octopus Parent
For some species of octopus, reproducing is a lonely act that ends in death.