Down the Research Rat Hole
While writing her forthcoming book about Polynesia, the author discovered the work of Teuira Henry, a scholar and folklorist who studied ancient Tahiti.
Why Civilizations End
Scientists studying fallen civilizations suggest that the culprit is overshoot in combination with climate change. What does this mean for our current era?
The Genetics of Cousin Marriage
It's conventional wisdom that procreation between first cousins is unhealthy. But what are the actual genetic risks?
The Unspeakable Linguistics of Camp
When gay and lesbian people had to invent their own languages with which to talk with each other, camp led the way.
The Lost Kingdom of Kush
A handful of archaeological sites and the written language Meroitic are all that remains of the Kingdom of Kush, located in what is now Sudan.
The Collapse of Meaning in a Post-Truth World
2016 was certainly an unstable time in history. Even the way we use language to convey our collective fears about the state of society seems fractured.
The Cozy Linguistics of Hygge and Other “Untranslatable” Words
Why English speakers love "hygge" and other "untranslatable" words about emotional states.
Embracing Your Inner Cyborg
Cyborgs might be closer in the future than you think.
How to Disappear Completely: Linguistic Anonymity on the Internet
Is anonymity on the Internet linguistically possible?
Genetic Manipulation: The Next Big Thing
The CRISPR-Cas9 (CRISPR) method of genetic manipulation enables scientists to insert, delete, and edit genes in organisms from lowly microbes to monkeys.