Two William McKinley Autopsies
...Wilmington, North Carolina, and Phoenix, South Carolina, were massacred by whites, McKinley did nothing. Eager to include Blacks in the “national ‘we,’” spokespeople like Washington played the nativist card against...
The Haitian Revolution and American Slavery
...were terrified about the domestic implications. George Washington expressed concern about the potentially international “spirit of revolt among the blacks.” Once started, he mused, “where it will stop, it is...
Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s The Kim Sisters international politics because of its version of apartheid, viewers abroad and at home could watch a television fantasy of America, where whites and Blacks, Americans and Asians, et cetera,...
Annexation Nation
...Cuba, forcibly disjointed from its own unnatural connection with Spain and incapable of self-support, can gravitate only towards the North American Union, which by the same law of nature cannot...
Brown v. Board of Education: Annotated
...It is true that public school education at the time of the Amendment had advanced further in the North, but the effect of the Amendment on Northern States was generally...
Even the Best Jim Crow School…Was Still a Jim Crow School
...“Blacks in New Jersey had been debating the merits of school integration for more than half a century, especially in the southern region of the state, where whites aggressively enforced...
Using Data to Discover and Explore the Stories of Enslaved People
...not have thought to look in the collections of a Louisiana university archive for the stories of formerly enslaved people in North Carolina or Florida. Albert Todd, to take one...
The First Famous Football Team Behind Bars
...of the year. However, a mere 30 miles north of LSU in Jackson, Louisiana, a group of incarcerated individuals suit up in purple and gold every November for Dixon Correctional...
Secret Societies and the Fight for Black Freedom
...(150,000).” These organizations “not only [aided] in the transition of blacks from slavery to freedom, but also from farm to factory and from the South to the urban North and...
Asian South America
...since over the European naming of Indigenous people of the Caribbean, and then North and South America, as Indians. Globalization being centuries old, the movement of people coexisted alongside trade—even...