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The Physics of a Falling Cat (The Atlantic)
by Katherine J. Wu
We all know that cats always land on their feet. That they do so even when dropped upside-down appears to defy the laws of physics. How can we explain this mystery?

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Freedom in the Favela (Sapiens)
by Moisés Lino e Silva
To outsiders, life in a Brazilian favela may seem constrained and lacking the freedom that liberal democracy promises. But many who live there find—or take—a different sort of freedom.

The Women Who Didn’t Go to the South Pole (Atlas Obscura)
by Sarah Durn
When a small group of men trekked to the South Pole in 1910, they left behind wives who soon became widows. How does the story of exploration change when we see it through the lens of these women’s lives?

Magic in the Brain (Psyche)
by Luis M. Martínez and Jordi Camí
Stage magicians, unlike other performers, force us to unwillingly suspend our disbelief. The way they do it can help neuroscientists see how our perceptions of the everyday world are also governed by illusion.

How Could the War in Ukraine End? (The Conversation)
By Gerard Toal and Karina Korostelina
Fighting between Ukrainians and their Russian invaders shows no sign of letting up anytime soon. But the war must end sometime. What kind of negotiated peace would be acceptable to the Ukrainians most affected by the devastation?

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