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This week in sustainable business news:

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London Pours Coffee Into Its Buses (The New York Times)

It’s not a joke. British iconic red double-deckers will run on spent coffee grounds—to improve air quality. A company called Bio-bean just started adding small amounts of oil extracted from the city’s coffee dregs into the standard mix of diesel and biofuels. Londoners toss away 200,000 tons of coffee grounds a day—why let it go to waste?

Related Sustainability Content on JSTOR: Environmental Health Perspectives

Cannabis Megafarms Are Here (Modern Farmer)

Potheads, rejoice! Starting January 2018, California cannabis farms will be allowed to mushroom in size—apparently to reduce pollution produced by unregulated growers. Just a few years ago, California’s cities had a very different approach to regulating marijuana use. Now, transporting weed by cars and trucks will be fully legal, but bike deliveries will not.

Related Sustainability Content on JSTOR: Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

It’s Time To Re-Fashion the Fashion Industry (The Guardian)

Fashion commerce has evolved into a globally flawed system, based on the notion of continuously consuming the “new” and discarding the “old.” A truckload of clothing is wasted every second across the world. This week, designer Stella McCartney called for a fashion trade facelift.

Related Sustainability Content on JSTOR: The Journal of Corporate Citizenship


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Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 110, No. 12 (Dec., 2002), pp. A734-A735
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, Vol. 35, Current Perspectives on Marijuana and Society (2013), pp. 123-143
Department of Sociology, Humboldt State University
The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, No. 45, Textiles, Fashion and Sustainability (Spring 2012), pp. 17-36
Greenleaf Publishing