Singing’s Not Just for the Birds Anymore
The common perception of bat calls consists of squeaks and chirps. But many bats, including Mexican free-tailed bats of Austin, TX, sing to one another.
Man with Turtles in his Pants is the Tip of the Iceberg
Xu Gai was caught trying to enter Canada with 51 turtles crammed into his pants.
Laika: The First Earthling in Space
The first Earthling was Laika, a Russian mongrel found on the streets of Moscow.
Sea Monkeys Make the Ocean Go ‘Round
Turns out ocean currents might be created by…sea monkeys? Seriously.
Indian Leopards Living High on the Dog
Unbeknownst to unsuspecting residents, a large number of leopards are prowling the fields and backyards of populated agricultural lands in India.
The Mystery of Megasphaera
When did animals first come into being? It might have been millions of years earlier than we thought.
Recession Lessons from an Ancient Fossil Bed
In a 120-million-year-old rock in Northeast China, paleontologists made a remarkable find.
Long-Distance Migration: Everybody’s Doing It
The birds do it. The butterflies do it. And now we know that the dragonflies do to it, too: long-distance migration.