School of salmon swimming to the left

Salmon and Agriculture Compete in the California Drought

California’s prolonged drought is leading to bitter competition for water supplies between fish and agriculture.
raw oysters on the half shell

Oysters Provide Scientific Food For Thought

Reading oysters for 17th century Jamestown history
Anopheles stephens, a mosquito found in urban India, drawing human blood.

Mosquitoes: The Science Behind the Pests

Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others? How you smell to a mosquito affects how much you're bit.
Flowering Nicotiana Alata, a species of tobacco identified by star-shaped white blooms.

A Tobacco Plant that Could Cure Cancer?

Finding anti-cancer agents inside tobacco may seem like a pretty strange coincidence, but it’s not unheard of to find help in harmful places.
Reconstructed sperm from sixteen-million-year-old fossilized specimen found in Australia.

Sixteen-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Sperm Discovered in Australia

Digging in Queensland, Australia, scientists recently discovered the fossilized remains of a small crustacean known as a seed ...
Wild mushrooms growing amongst fallen leaves and trees.

It’s Mushroom Season…

Check out this Special Mushroom Issue of Economic Botany to look up some pictures of edible mushrooms in the wild before you go picking.