America’s Imperiled Freshwater Mussels
Freshwater mussels were once found in astonishing numbers and diversity in North America. Then came the button fanciers, and then the pearl-makers.
What Does it Mean to Be on the Endangered Species List?
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List is a global list of species and their conservation status.
Six Surprising Facts About Spiderwebs
Intricate, strong, and rapidly-built, spider webs are more amazing even than they first appear. For a construction job done right, get a spider to do it.
Crows Are Even Smarter Than We Thought
If crows like the New Caledonian Crow can plan out and create a specialized tool, then they seem to have smarts that rival those of early humans.
The Ecology of Death
In nature, death creates its own unique ecosystem. These carcass-based mini-ecosystems are extremely dynamic.
Maybe Earthworms Aren’t So Great For Soil After All
Earthworms are often portrayed as beneficial to the environment, but in North America's temperate forests, they are a disaster in action.
How Killer Whales Kill
Orcas may look cute, but don’t be fooled. They display some of the most sophisticated hunting techniques of any animals on Earth.
The Artful Science of Anna Atkins
Anna Atkins reportedly created the first photographically illustrated and printed book in response to another monograph she thought was shoddily done.
Sea Monsters of the Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest is particularly known for their sea monsters, largely because of the continuity of stories about unidentified sea creatures.
Why Conservationists Shouldn’t Forget About Insects
Insect conservation can be a tough sell. Lots of people simply don’t like bugs, and an endangered bug simply doesn’t pull on the heart strings.