Can Oil Rigs Grow into Ocean Reefs?
Scientists suggest keeping old offshore oil platforms as productive fish habitats.
The Legacy of Koko the Gorilla
The jury is still out on whether or not Koko's signing skills proved that apes can learn language. But we certainly learned a lot from the famous gorilla.
The Truth about Laser Guns
The U.S. and most other large militaries have been trying to develop laser weapons for decades. Has China created the first portable laser gun?
The First Native American to Receive a Medical Degree
Susan LaFlesche Picotte was first Native American to be licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. She opened her own hospital, but didn't live to run it.
The Man Who Invented Modern Infection Control
He's hailed as the "father of infection control" and the "savior of mothers," but the truth about Ignaz Semmelweis is more complicated than that.
Did Venereal Disease Lead to Abolition?
Many abolitionists seeking to end slavery in the British West Indies were concerned less with human rights, more with the preponderance of what they saw as "interracial sex."
The Problems with Supersonic Flight
Supersonic aircrafts are much faster than typical passenger planes. Unfortunately, there are some downsides.
Should Manhattanites Worry About the New Manhattanish-Size Iceberg?
Probably. If all Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melt, the sea level will rise over 200 feet.
What Roe v. Wade Means for Internet Privacy
Roe v. Wade left Americans with the idea that privacy is something we can expect as citizens. But does the SCOTUS consider privacy a constitutional right?
The Incredible Phasmid Egg
Stick insects have eggs that look exactly like seeds. Scientists can't figure out why these masters of camouflage would lay eggs that resemble bird snacks.