The Improbable Fanged Deer of Afghanistan
Last seen more than a half century ago, a rare fanged deer has been rediscovered in Afghanistan
Arms Races Among (Other) Animals
While the concept of an arms race might seem uniquely human, it is actually widely documented in the rest of the animal kingdom as well.
How Many People Does it Take to Wreck an Ecosystem?
A relatively small number of people are required to destroy and ecosystem
Mushrooms may seem like humble life forms, but they are very much wrapped up in the human experience.
Back from Extinction, But Not Safe: Captive Breeding Restores a Giant Galapagos Tortoise
The Española giant tortoise, once feared extinct, has a viable population again.
When Faced with Competition, Florida Lizards Simply Evolve Faster
When faced with an invasive competitor, Florida anole lizards took only 15 years to evolve a response.
Life with Lava
Lava from the Kīlauea volcano in Hawaii has been used to answer questions about life on Mars.
A New Species of Frog Sings in New York City
A new species of frog has been identified in the wilds of New York City
How to Catch a Comet
Last week, the European Space Agency (ESA) successfully landed an unmanned probe (Philae) on a comet, a feat heretofore unmatched in human history