School of salmon swimming to the left

Salmon and Agriculture Compete in the California Drought

California’s prolonged drought is leading to bitter competition for water supplies between fish and agriculture.
Pyramids of Giza

Scientists Have an Answer to How the Egyptian Pyramids Were Built

Using sand, water, and a scale model of an ancient Egyptian transport sled, a team of international scientists ...
raw oysters on the half shell

Oysters Provide Scientific Food For Thought

Reading oysters for 17th century Jamestown history
A medical professional prepares a patient for testing.

The ABCs of Ebola

A is for don’t panic. The rest is science.
Two hikers walking in the woods with their camping backbacks

Go Outside, It’s Good for You

If E.O. Wilson is right, that our love of nature is innate, what does it mean to be cloistering ourselves inside, away from it?
A lone aequorea victoria, a bioluminescent jellyfish, in the ocean.

Happy Birthday, Osamu Shimomura!

August 27th marked the birthday of Osamu Shimomura, the organic chemist who discovered green fluorescent protein in 1962. ...
Anopheles stephens, a mosquito found in urban India, drawing human blood.

Mosquitoes: The Science Behind the Pests

Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others? How you smell to a mosquito affects how much you're bit.
Plastic and trash litter a shoreline.

“Plastic Rock” Marks the Presence of Humans in the Fossil Record

Plastic in the ocean has created an entirely new kind of rock: plastiglomerate.
Dr. Jeanine Vélez Gavilán, Global Plants Initiative Steering Committee Member, at the MAPR Herbarium.

JSTORies: Jeanine Vélez Gavilán

Jeanine Vélez Gavilán discusses her career in botany, her passion for endangered plants, and how climate change challenges botanists today. Visit ...
Tablet screen showing Annals of Mathematics journal on a book shelf with reference books.

Annals of Mathematics

Recognized as one of the most highly esteemed mathematical journals in the world, Annals of Mathematics has been in circulation since 1884