Can You Hear It? The Cicadas Are Back
After 17 years quietly developing under the soil, 3 species of periodical cicadas emerged this summer. How do these insects coordinate?
The Strange Tale of 19th-Century Quack Doctors
During the 19th century, quack “doctors” outnumbered legitimate ones three to one. The reasons people are attracted to quackery remain with us today.
What Makes Your Roller Coaster Go? Physics!
The physics behind the fun: roller coasters provide so many examples of basic principles that they are a staple of physics lessons.
The “Keystone Species” Concept That Transformed Ecology
Dr. Robert Paine's "keystone species" concept was a profound discovery that changed the field of ecology forever.
The Delicious Origins of the Domesticated Blueberry
Frederick Coville and Elizabeth White, two strangers, domesticated the blueberry together. They valued beauty and worked to support local communities.
What Makes Blueberries Superfoods?
Summer is here and with it comes Cyanococcus Vaccinium, otherwise known as the blueberry. These little fruits are ...
How To Live With Your Digital Doppelgängers
Digital Doppelgängers may share your name, but you can still claim your own digital identity.
Where in the Solar System is Vulcan?
A hypothetical Planet Vulcan was the best explanation for strange astrological phenomena—until Einstein, that is.
For the Endangered American Eel, A Long, Slippery Road to Recovery
The endangered American eel, once abundant along the U.S. East Coast, is critically important in keeping rivers ecologically sound.
Neanderthals Were Smarter Than You Think
Neanderthals, suggest recent studies, had complex societies and even some culture.