Christopher Corr

Healing Art in Hospitals Today

As hospitals today continue to grow and expand, who is thinking about nurturing patients and visitors with healing art and beautification projects?
Baby with laptop

Inventing Rituals for the Digital World

How do we recognize our digital milestones?
rising sea levels

Sea Level Rise Is Already Here

For the 44% of the world's population that lives near the coastline, global climate change is no longer abstract. 
clothing donations

Fast Fashion Fills Our Landfills

Americans dispose of about 12.8 million tons of textiles annually. Fashion has a major impact on the environment. So what is the industry doing about it?
Coast in Greenland

Do Fossils Always Tell the Truth?

New findings indicate life on earth is older than we thought.
A well-groomed thoughtful cat

The Curious Science of Animal Personalities

Any pet owner can tell you that different pets have different personalities, but actually measuring personality in non-human animals is a challenge.

What Makes a Species?

Scientists have found there are actually four different species of giraffes. But what makes a species?
Internet trolls

How To Live With Internet Trolls

We need to start thinking about how to live with internet trolls even while we look for ways to reduce or eliminating trolling. 
Snakes may be able to predict earthquakes

Can Animals Really Predict Earthquakes?

Stories of animals behaving erratically before earthquakes have circulated for thousands of years.
Bison herd

Was America’s Wildlife Ever As Abundant As We Imagine?

Once the bison covered the plains. But how many were there really? Turns out historical animal abundance figures are tricky.