An older black and white headshot of Nelly Bly beside the cover of Round the World with Nelly Bly

Nellie Bly, Girl Reporter

A look back on Nellie Bly and the era of "stunt-reporting."
Small mountain range in New Mexico

Searching for Emmett Mills

In spring 1920, three men disembarked from a train in a high desert town. They had come on behalf of their friend Anson Mills, who had asked them to find his brother's grave.
City Hall Station in New York with a symmetrical tiled pattern on the arches and ceiling

Rediscovering the Guastavinos

Rediscovering the Gustavinos contributions to architecture.

Kurds: In the Middle of the Middle East

A brief history of Kurds and Middle Eastern politics.
Families walking beside the Berlin Wall in 1989.

Escapist Humor in East and West Berlin

Humor in East and West Berlin before the wall came down.
Grassy area in front of a small mountain range

Making Claims

How claims records and other documents serve as historical sources.
Black and white illustration of the Battle of Orleans

The Influence of Wars on American Politics

What does war do to domestic American politics?
An open pack of graham crackers

A Hell of a Cracker

The unusual origin of the graham cracker
Confederate officer, John Robery Baylor from the Civil War time period

A Complicated Man: John Baylor’s Letters to His Family

How could John Baylor have done such terrible thing and simultaneously be so effusively affectionate in his letters home?
Close-up of a voting machine lever

The Early American Origins of Political Terms

What does stump speech and pork barrel mean? A short lexicon of American political terms.