Siri settings

An App for Autism

For some families, Apple's assistant Siri has become a crucial bridge between their autistic children and the outside world.
Piper Cub plane farmers

An Airplane in Every Barn?

Why airborne farming hasn’t been cleared for take-off.
The Nightmare

The Racialized History of “Hysteria”

Even three decades after “hysteria” was deleted from the DSM-III, some of the word’s diagnostic power obviously still remains.
World War II Veterans

The Inequality Hidden Within the Race-Neutral GI Bill

While the GI Bill itself was progressive, much of the country still functioned under both covert and blatant segregation.
Creepy Clown

The Psychology Behind Why Clowns Creep Us Out

For several months in 2016, creepy clowns terrorized America, with sightings of actual clowns in at least 10 different states.
Halie Selassie

Why a Coup in Ethiopia Created a Faith Crisis in Jamaica

Rastafarians emerged from anti-colonial, anti-racism movements of the 60s, they also looked back toward their African ancestry.
Filming make-up tutorial

Can Makeup Be Feminist?

Makeup has become a huge industry. Is it possible to enjoy the practice of beautification and be feminist at the same time?
Natchitoches meat pies

How Delicious Meat Pies Put Natchitoches on the Map

The Natchitoches meat pie, a crimped half moon hiding a pocket of spiced meat, exemplifies “culinary place making."
Carlos Mondragon

Carlos Mondragón

Welcome to Ask a Professor, our series that offers an insider’s view of life in academia. This month: Carlos Mondragón, professor at the Colegio de México.

Wittgenstein on Whether Speech Is Violence

When is speech violence? Sometimes. It depends. That’s a complicated question.