Marketing Immortality
Anti-aging technology isn’t limited to groundbreaking medicine.
James Joyce, Catholic Writer?
James Joyce remains a novelist whose characters are imbued with a Catholic world view, despite declaring himself to be a freethinking heretic.
Some Facts About Frederick Douglass
President Trump praised abolitionist Frederick Douglass in his first remarks on Black History Month.
Why Do We Take Pride in Working for a Paycheck?
In the modern imagination, work is a source of pride, but early labor unions regarded hourly toil in industry as "wage slavery."
Could Climate Change Alter the Ocean’s Currents?
What do currents do anyway? What would happen if they stopped?
Jackie Robinson vs Paul Robeson: A Double Play for the Ages
In 1949, Jackie Robinson testified in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee against Paul Robeson.
Suggested Readings: Muslim Ban, Quantified Lives, and Kratom Therapy
Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
What Are Executive Orders Anyway?
Donald Trump's executive orders are coming fast and furious, but what exactly are they? And why are they the Presidential go-to tactic now?
More Hidden Figures of NASA History
Katherine G. Johnson, Charles F. Bolden, Jeanette Epps, and roles of African Americans in NASA.
What’s With All The Petitions?
The last clause of the First Amendment guarantees the right to "petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Where did this idea come from?