Maggie Nelson

MacArthur Genius Fellow Maggie Nelson Writes Poetry, Too. Here’s Some Of It.

She can pack a room with her prose, but Maggie Nelson's got a poet's ear.
Cuba Cars

What the U.S. Can Learn From Cuba

With U.S.-Cuba relations opening, Cuba’s best export to the U.S could be its healthcare model.
Georgetown University in 1850

Slavery and the Church

It wasn't just educational institutions like Georgetown University that profited off of slavery; churches, too, were complicit in the system.

What Makes a Species?

Scientists have found there are actually four different species of giraffes. But what makes a species?
imessage punctuation

The Strange Life of Punctuation!

Punctuation is often a symbolically loaded. Is there anything else so heavily regulated, codified and coddled as the period, comma, or exclamation point?
Guignol poster

Stage Death: From Offstage to in Your Face

Death on stage has a long, gory history. From Ancient Greece to 19th century Paris to The Walking Dead. Why does theatre like death so much?
Internet trolls

How To Live With Internet Trolls

We need to start thinking about how to live with internet trolls even while we look for ways to reduce or eliminating trolling. 
Anders Leonard Zor, portrait of Grover Cleveland

History’s Biggest Presidential Health Cover-Up

How important is a President's health? Should the public know all? History suggests that full disclosure is better than not.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Judging Parents, Killing Pests, Distributing Heroin

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. 
Blake's "Newton"

Does Science Destroy Wonder?

Tom Wolfe's new book accidentally rehashes an age-old question: does scientific progress nullify beauty? What's the relationship between science and art?