New Farming Frontiers—Heat, Pesticides, and Virtual Reality
As climate change pushes agriculture into the unknown realms, farmers develop new methods of farming and organic sustainable farming takes hold.
Honoring History with Edgar Heap of Birds’s Building Minnesota
Prior to discussions about appropriation art, artist Hock E Aye Vi (Hachivi) Edgar Heap of Birds honored the 40 executed Dakota men in "Building Minnesota."
America’s Imperiled Freshwater Mussels
Freshwater mussels were once found in astonishing numbers and diversity in North America. Then came the button fanciers, and then the pearl-makers.
Is Corporate Meritocracy Fair?
Researchers performed an experiment that suggested demanding a culture of meritocracy can be a dangerous way to try to reduce unfair practices.
Beyoncé, the Virgin Mary, and the Power of Imagery
Why did Beyoncé pose as the Virgin Mary in her pregnancy and birth announcements? Learn about her art historical referents and iconic portraiture here.
Helping Kids After Harvey
Right now, there’s an outpouring of support for families displaced by Harvey, but what happens after the waters recede in Texas?
Scientists Turn to Spotted Owls to Understand Wildfire Patterns
To better understand how the warming climate affects wildfires, Scientists are turning to Spotted Owls that evolved to deal with such disasters.
White Supremacists and the Rhetoric of “Tyranny”
White supremacists have declared themselves in danger of losing essential rights. It's the kind of argument racists have been making for a long time.
A Clever Way to Conserve Forests
As climate change looms, scientists seek ways to reduce the release of carbon. Sometimes a low-tech approach is overlooked: conserving forests.
Wittgenstein on Whether Speech Is Violence
When is speech violence? Sometimes. It depends. That’s a complicated question.