Clare Booth Luce

Clare Boothe Luce, the Conservative Politician Who Wrote an All-Female Play

Clare Boothe Luce was a socialite, an editor, a feminist playwright, a devout Roman Catholic, a Republican Congresswoman, an early LSD user, an ambassador, and, believe it or not, more.
Carrie Fisher and Wim Wenders

Carrie Fisher and Women’s Voices in Hollywood

Remembering Carrie Fisher: Actress, writer, and so much more.
Guignol poster

Stage Death: From Offstage to in Your Face

Death on stage has a long, gory history. From Ancient Greece to 19th century Paris to The Walking Dead. Why does theatre like death so much?
Photo of Carmen Miranda published by the New York Sunday News in 1943.

From Vaudeville to Hamilton: Racial Minorities in Musicals

Hamilton, the Lin-Manuel Miranda play, is taking Broadway by storm. Its use of a "race-blind" cast has been unprecedented in modern theater.