An image tiled "A strange gathering of Anabaptists and Quakers" depicting a naked woman and Anabaptists and Quakers before a pulpit

The Naked Quakers

Today, the international feminist group FEMEN uses nudity as part of its protests. But appearing naked in public was also a tactic used by early dissenters.
A high-angle view of a protest march with protesters carrying banners and placards reading 'Lynching is a Social Blot, Wipe it Out!', 'Free the Scottsboro Boys', 'Free Angelo Herndon', and 'Lynching is Un-American, Stop! Lynching' with some of the protestors carrying individual letters that spell out 'Stop! Lynching', United States, circa 1934.

The Long Civil Rights Movement

The “master narrative” of civil rights in the United States obscures the history of a more radical civil rights movement that stretches to the 1930s.
Crowd gathered in front of butcher shop during meat riot, New York

Inside the New York City Kosher Meat Boycott of 1902

The rising costs of kosher meat led Jewish women to organize a butcher boycott. The successful action alerted the immigrant community to women's political power.
People gather in protest against the death of Mahsa Amini along the streets on September 19, 2022 in Tehran, Iran.

Iran’s Protest Culture

A succession of authoritarian regimes birthed a strong tradition of collective action.
Women from Boston and Charleston, West Virginia, holding signs, demonstrating against textbooks, Washington, D.C., 1975

When a Battle to Ban Textbooks Became Violent

In 1974, the culture wars came to Kanawha County, West Virginia, inciting protests over school curriculum.
Volume 4, Issue 1 of Berkeley Barb from January 6th, 1967

Remembering the Human Be-In

More than 20,000 participants in the counterculture gathered in San Francisco’s Golden Gate park to do little more than simply “be” together.
Cat with its hair standing up

Nine Black Cat Stickers

They crossed our path and we lived to tell the tale. Check them out in the Street Arts Graphics Collection!
Demonstrators protest the death of George Floyd in downtown Washington, DC on June 1, 2020.

The Power of the Intersectional Protest Image

In an age of hashtag activism and partisan news, social media offers possibilities for intersectional movements to reimagine images of Black protest.
Chicano Moratorium Committee antiwar demonstrators, East Los Angeles, 1970

Police Versus the Chicano Moratorium March of 1970

Despite police violence against Chicano demonstrators in Los Angeles, the movement was not deterred.
Close-up of an eye from the cover of Camu's The Plague

Resistance through Silence in Camus’s The Plague

"On this earth there are pestilences and there are victims, and it’s up to us, so far as possible, not to join forces with the pestilences."