A Pattern of Various Shaped Water Drops on A teflon Frying Pan

The Stickiness of Teflon

From excitement about its potential to revelations of its possible toxicity, Teflon has taken a wild ride through American science, manufacturing, and marketing.
Rosie the Riveter

How Conflict Boosts the Economy

Historically speaking, we are living in unusually peaceful times. But does peacetime mean bad things for the economy, which is often boosted by war?
corn harvest

Why Do We Have “Free Trade” For Televisions, But Not For Corn?

While the U.S. opens industries to market competition at home and abroad, we give our agricultural producers a lot of protection, including big subsidies.
Steel mill

Rebecca Harding Davis, American Realist

How do we record the voices of those who are silenced? We might do well to remember one of ...