"Nagasakibomb" by Charles Levy from one of the B-29 Superfortresses used in the attack.  <a href="http://www.archives.gov/research/military/ww2/photos/images/ww2-163.jpg" target="_blank">National Archives image (208-N-43888)</a>. Licensed under <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nagasakibomb.jpg#/media/File:Nagasakibomb.jpg" target="_blank">Public Domain via Commons</a>

The Decision to Drop the A-Bomb

Questioning why the US dropped the A-bomb on Japan.
Japanese students

Japan, the U.S, and the Perils of International Education Comparisons

Current comparisons of U.S. and Chinese educational systems echo earlier comparisons to Japan.
A full blood moon in the night sky

Otsukimi: Celebrating the Autumn Moon

Otsukimi, falling on the 13th or 15th of October, celebrates the harvest moon.
Godzilla attacking a hotel in the 1954 film.

Interview with Godzilla

The awesome destructive power of the beast is widely understood to be a metaphor for nuclear weapons. Is this too facile an idea?