The Spiritual Side of Calligraphy
Chinese calligraphy is a personal art that draws on Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism as well as spiritual practices that date to the second century CE.
Before Palmer Penmanship
The creation and propagation of standard penmanship in the American education system is almost as old as the United States itself.
Why You’ll Never Get Lead Poisoning from a Pencil
Some of the greatest moments in international pencil history involve discoveries of a different mineral.
Sorry, Graphology Isn’t a Real Science
Despite Donald Trump's claim that he is a "handwriting analyst," it's not possible to read someone's mind through the curlicues of their writing.
Ballpoint Pen CSI
A short history of the ballpoint pen and early debates about its impact on handwriting.
Napoléon’s Signatures: The Story of a Decline in Handwriting
As Napoléon’s career and mental conditions declined in his later years, his signature suffered greatly.