A wild dingo

The Unexpected Result of Australia’s Dingo Fence

The story of dingoes in Australia is the first recorded case where an introduced predator has taken on such a functional role in its adopted ecosystem.
Australian kids

Small Poppy Syndrome: Why are Australians so Obsessed With Nicknaming Things?

What's behind the Australian habit of nicknaming and abbreviating everything? Nicknames may just reveal how Australians see themselves and relate to each other.
Climate change wine

Climate Change Vs. Your Wine

One crop in particular is likely to have problems as climate change progresses. Savor that glass of rosé, for as the climate changes wine grapes will be among the first to suffer.
Crown-of-thorns starfish crown of thorns

When Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Attack

Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef is facing a threat from a massive outbreak of crown-of-thorns starfish.
Faceless Cusk

How Can A Fish Not Have a Face?

From the "weird science" files: A research vessel off the coast of New South Wales in Eastern Australia hauled up a fish that did not seem to have a face.
Description: The Black Panthers march in protest of the trial of co-founder Huey P. Newton in Oakland, California. 
Photo Credit: Copyright Bettmann/Corbis / AP Images

How the Black Panther Party Inspired the Aborigines

The Black Panther Party's influence was global in scope. We look at its influence amongst the Aborigines of Australia.
Lake Mungo

The Bones of Australia’s Lake Mungo

For 40,000 years, human remnants remained buried in the sand at Lake Mungo, hidden by the changed landscape.