Central Arizona Project (CAP) Canal, Phoenix, AZ

What Desert Cities Can Teach Us about Water

Pushed by necessity, the country’s least sustainable region evolved to master its water use. As climate heats up, other cities may adopt similar tactics.
Graphic of computer rendered waves above an aerial map of a city

It’s Time to Plug Into the Internet of Water

Scientists are "digitizing" water to better manage the precious resource. What does that mean and how is it helping?
Diamond water prices

Why Are Diamonds More Expensive Than Water?

Water is simultaneously one of the few things we absolutely cannot live without, and one of the things we value least. There's an economic rationale behind that.
Rats are killing kiwis and other birds in New Zealand

Rat Wars, Radiation Leaks, and Other Dirty Secrets

This week in sustainability news: rats v. kiwis, radiation links in midcentury Soviet Union, and an American town with no running water.
Water Treatment Plant

Can Bacteria Improve the Water We Drink?

Municipal water treatment just got easier, cheaper, and more efficient. And it's all thanks to an unlikely helper: bacteria.