American Army Entering the City of Mexico, Filippo Constaggini, 1885

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Annotated

Signed February 2, 1848, the treaty compelled Mexico to cede 55 percent of its territory, bringing more than 525,000 square miles under US sovereignty.
A typewriter on a black background

Writing Poetry in Prison as an Act of Resistance

A writer recounts her uncle's experiences writing poetry in prison and advocating for Indigenous rights. His death and his typewriter are intertwined.
Diego Rivera sketch

The Jewish-American Writer Who Transformed U.S.-Mexico Relations

How did Anita Brenner, a Mexican-born, American Jewish writer and journalist use art to try to bridge the gap between the United States and Mexico?
JSTOR Daily Friday Reads

Margarita Engle, the Young People’s Poet Laureate

Cuban American Margarita Engle is the new Young People’s Poet Laureate. Engle has written many books for children, young adults and adults.
A movie audience watches 1950's actress Gloria Graham with bandages over one side of her face from an older film

Stars and Scars: Disfigurement in Film

Onscreen, scarring represents a loss of beauty for women and toughness for men, but what about the actors who bear visible scars?