Schoolchildren in Soweto, South Africa

Kids’ Games in South Africa

...includes diverse musical forms, it focuses on musical knowledge as written in the European musical tradition. “Learning staff notation, Western harmony, and form is at odds with the philosophy, learning...
Konstantin Mereschkowski

Can You Be a Good Scientist and a Horrible Person at the Same Time?

The stories we tell about scientists are often heroic. The figure whose breakthrough idea is rejected, forgotten, and then later vindicated is a classic of such narration. Consider Constantin Merezhkowsky...
Still Life with a Peacock Pie

The Joy of Eating in Utopia

...the 810 character types that he believed comprised the human race. In the mid-nineteenth century, Levi writes, around 200,000 people in the United States subscribed to Fourier’s political philosophy, and...
Philosopher John Gray beside a cat

John Gray: Cats Can Teach Us about the Meaning of Life do philosophy in a less formal way, as really being about the kind of thing that philosophers would just laugh about if you told them that, or that philosophy’s...
A photograph of Terry Southern and a still from Dr. Strangelove

Terry Southern’s Lucid Absurdities

...subsequently studied philosophy in Paris at the Sorbonne, via the G.I. Bill. In France, after finishing up at school in the early fifties, Southern stayed in the Latin Quarter for...
The Intersex pride flag

Intersex Gains, Societal Collapse, and Aztec Beliefs

...the whole globe? How Aztec philosophy explains the Day of the Dead (The Conversation) by Lynn Sebastian Purcell To the Aztecs, consciousness was the result of different “minds” in different...
Harriet Taylor Mill

Harriet Taylor Mill, At Last

...been given her due. “She asked questions that irritated and provoked nearly everyone but John Stuart Mill.” “Even with the individual and general sexism in the history of philosophy, Harriet...
View of the West Front of Monticello and Garden by Jane Braddick, 1825

Building A Better Democracy?

...labor, specifically that of builders, carpenters, and other manual laborers.” “As the literal builders and framers of the new nation, mechanical laborers symbolized the growing anxiety between the high philosophy...
Daisetsu Teitarō Suzuki photographed by Shigeru Tamura

D.T. Suzuki’s Very American Zen

If you’ve ever wondered about the potential of Zen meditation to improve your life, or described keeping cool in aggravating circumstances as “being Zen about it,” you’ve been influenced by...
Lon Chaney in The Phantom of the Opera (1925)

Lon Chaney’s Movie Monsters

...strove to bury my own personality in any part. I never wanted to be a type, playing nothing but myself.” Chaney’s philosophy and approach makes him sound a bit like...