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Finding Honey is For the Birds (NPR)
by Nell Greenfieldboyce
In Tanzania, Hadza people use a special signal to call to birds known as honeyguides who, true to their name, can help them find honey. In Mozambique, Yao foragers do the same, with a different call. These animal-human partnerships may have been passed down the generations for thousands of years.

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Making Windows Out of Wood (Knowable Magazine)
by Jude Coleman
Wood is an astonishingly strong, versatile material. And it has even more uses when you make it transparent, a technique that engineers are increasingly employing for technological and architectural purposes.

Jim Crow North at the Movies (Black Perspectives)
by Alyssa Lopez
Movie theaters were one of the defining sites of early twentieth-century culture. In the northern and midwestern states, they were also battlegrounds in the fight over segregation, where organized Black communities fought the nationalization of Jim Crow.

What Kind of Story is Zelda? (Public Books)
by Marek Makowski
Unlike many video games of previous generations, the latest The Legend of Zelda game, Tears of the Kingdom, doesn’t require players to follow any particular path. Its many side quests and minor characters create a different kind of experience from narrative storytelling.

Stealing From, and For, Museums (Sapiens)
by Jeannette Plummer Sires
How could thousands of objects disappear from a major museum over decades without anyone noticing? The answer helps explain the complexity of returning ill-gotten artifacts to their rightful homes.

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