Bella DePaulo

Bella DePaulo

Bella DePaulo (Ph.D., Harvard), an expert on single life, is the author of books such as Singled Out: ...
Ben Ambridge giving a talk on stage

Ben Ambridge

Ben Ambridge is Professor of Psychology at the University of Manchester and the ESRC International Centre for Language ...
Black and white image of author Benjamin Breen with cat

Benjamin Breen

Benjamin Breen is a Ph.D. candidate in early modern history at the University of Texas at Austin and ...
Elliot Berkman and Jordan Miller-Ziegler

Elliot Berkman and Jordan Miller-Ziegler

Elliot Berkman is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon. The central aim of Dr. ...
Bess Lovejoy

Bess Lovejoy

Bess Lovejoy is a writer and editor who lives in Brooklyn. She is the author of Rest in ...
Ann Deslandes

Ann Deslandes

Ann Deslandes is an Australian freelance writer who lives in Mexico City. Tweet her at @Ann_dLandes and read ...
Anna Wrobleska

Anna Wroblewska

Anna writes about business, finance, psychology, and economics, with a special affection for the myriad places where these ...
Anne Trubek

Anne Trubek

Anne Trubek is the author of The History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting and the director of Belt ...
Anne Ray

Anne Ray

Anne Ray is the Senior Editor at JSTOR’s Reveal Digital, where she’s currently working on archiving prison newspapers. ...
April White

April White

April White is the author of “The Divorce Colony: The Strange Tale of the Socialites who Shaped Modern ...