
Gabriel D. Wrobel

I am an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Michigan State University, a bioarchaeologist, and the director of the ...
Sugato Mukherjee

Sugato Mukherjee

Sugato Mukherjee is a journalist based in Kolkata. His bylines have appeared in The Globe and Mail, Al ...
Brendan McHugh

Brendan McHugh

Brendan McHugh is a writer and public historian who has written for Nursing Clio and The Better Because ...

Christina Gish Hill

Christina Gish Hill focuses her research on American Indian/Native cultures of the Northern Plains and Midwest. Her current ...

Kian Seara Rey

Kian Seara Rey is a Spanish-Cuban writer, journalist, and translator that grew up in the US and is ...
Wouter Klein

Wouter Klein

Wouter Klein is Plant Humanities fellow at Dumbarton Oaks. A historian from the Netherlands, he received his PhD ...
Angelica Frey

Angelica Frey

Angelica Frey is a writer and translator living in Brooklyn, who always tries to write about the highbrow ...
Rebecca Bodenheimer

Rebecca Bodenheimer

Rebecca Bodenheimer is a freelance writer and cultural critic whose work has been published by CNN, the LA ...
Katie McBride Moench

Katie McBride Moench

Katie McBride Moench is a teacher and librarian in Wisconsin. She is a regular contributor at Book Riot ...

Matthew Woodruff

I received a BS in biotechnology in 2008 from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Immediately following, I ...